Our Fake... Ahem, Fictitious Name

I've come to realize as I plan this business is that it is just as important to be aware of what you don't  know as it is to know how to get a start-up going.  Most of the legal side of this startup is in the "don't know" category for me.  I've been reading what I can on getting a fictitious name (DBA) and setting up an LLC, as well as the differences between an LLC, LP, LLP, etc.  The more I read, the more questions I have.  (By the way, "fictitious name" does not mean "fake name" contrary to my first impression)

Long story short, it's time for a lawyer.   There may be areas that I can cut corners to save a little money during this process, but getting legal advice will not be one of them for this business.  I'll be contacting a lawyer this week to discuss setting up the LLC and set up private investment agreements.  It will probably be expensive, but will be worth getting right the first time.

On a related note, Border Brewing Company now has a registered fictitious name in Missouri!   This means we can officially do business as "Border Brewing Company" - I think...Pretty sure... Don't want to get in trouble... Again, time to get with a lawyer who actually knows what they're talking about.

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